Música de vários géneros mas toda de qualidade!--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Todos os links indicados neste blog foram encontrados noutros locais na Internet e colocados aqui, se aceder a algum link, lembre-se que deve apagar esses ficheiros após 24 horas no seu disco. Se gostar de algum CD, compre-o!... ou então, não!
Vi este homem ao vivo no Pavilhão Atlântico, ainda não fez um ano. Fui sozinho mas valeu a pena!... muito bom! Discografia: 2005 - Stand Up 2004 - The Gorge 2002 - Live in Chicago 12-19-98 at the United Center 2001 - Everyday 1999 - Dave Matthews & Tim Reynolds: Live at Luther College 1999 - Listener Supported 1998 - Before These Crowded Streets 1997 - Live at Red Rocks 8.15.95 1996 - Crash 1994 - Recently 1994 - Under the Table and Dreaming 1993 - Remember Two Things «Cansado de escrever para a gaveta, e uma vez encontrada a coragem necessária para expor perante uma plateia o conteúdo das suas letras, o cantor e compositor sul-africano Dave Matthews gravou numa cassete o material que começava a acumular-se. Iniciava-se então a década de 90 e o músico, que entretanto deixara para trás a cidade de Joanesburgo, rumou em direcção a Charlottesville, Virginia. Aí, começou a trabalhar como empregado de balcão num bar, conhecido por servir de rampa de lançamento para músicos locais. Foi lá que Matthews conheceu o saxofonista LeRoi Moore, que o ajudou a reunir o conjunto de músicos que, pouco tempo depois, viria a ser conhecido por Dave Matthews Band. A bateria ficou a cargo de Carter Beauford, que para além de ter crescido na mesma rua que Moore, já tinha tocado com ele em várias bandas. O baixista de eleição foi o menino prodígio Stefan Lessard, na altura com apenas 16 anos, que tinha um professor que era um dos músicos frequentadores do bar onde Matthews trabalhava. A formação da banda ficaria completa, algum tempo mais tarde, com a entrada do violinista Boyd Tinsley e do teclista Peter Griesar, que deixaria os seus colegas dois anos depois. O seu primeiro concerto oficial teve lugar no telhado de uma casa numa festa privada em Chalottesville e, mais tarde, já em Richmond, começaram a actuar na sala de espectáculos Flood Zone para uma plateia de cerca de mil pessoas por noite. Em 1994, O quinteto de Charlottesville assinava contrato com a RCA, editora responsável pelo lançamento do primeiro álbum de originais "Under the Table and Dreaming", que ano e meio mais tarde tinha já acumulado um volume de vendas superior a quatro milhões de cópias, só no mercado norte-americano. Muitos concertos se seguiram, e desse modo a DMB conquistava, a pouco e pouco, uma legião de fãs que se adivinhava cada vez mais vasta e consistente. É em cima do palco que a banda se deixa levar verdadeiramente pela força do improviso, deixando transparecer a grande importância que atribui à parte instrumental, facto que enriquece as suas actuações ao mesmo tempo que lhes confere uma duração mais longa do que as habituais duas horas. "Crash", o sucessor de "Under the Table and Dreaming" foi editado em 1996, mas não teve um acolhimento tão caloroso por parte do público. Um disco mais difícil, que agradou aos fãs, mas que não conseguiu conquistar facilmente aqueles que ainda não se tinham rendido aos sons praticados pela banda. Dois anos mais tarde, surgia aquele que foi considerado o disco mais forte do quinteto, intitulado "Before These Crowded Streets", que contou com a participação do Kronos Quartet e de músicos como Alanis Morissette, Buch Taylor, entre outros, tendo chegado a número um do top 200 da Billboard. Empenhada em combater a pirataria discográfica, a DMB foi uma das bandas pioneiras no que toca à edição das gravações dos seus concertos. "Live at Red Rocks" de 1997, registou um tal volume de vendas que lhe valeu o estatuto de disco de platina. No princípio de 1999, foi a vez do álbum acústico "Live at Luther College", resultado de um espectáculo que contou apenas com Dave Matthews e Tim Reynolds. Este último apesar de não ser membro oficial da banda, foi guitarrista convidado em todos os seus trabalhos anteriores e acompanha habitualmente os músicos, em digressão. Ainda durante o mesmo ano, foi editado mais um registo ao vivo, intitulado "Listener Supported". Em 2001, a banda fez chegar às lojas mais um registo de originais, intitulado "Everyday", de resto o o disco mais pop da banda até à data. A mudança de registo explica-se pela substituição de Steve Lillywhite, habitual produtor dos trabalhos da DMB, por Glenn Ballard, conhecido por trabalhar com nomes como Alanis Morissette. Ainda durante o mesmo ano, a banda voltou à estrada, tendo levado a cabo uma digressão de apresentação de "Everyday" pelos Estados Unidos, cujo ponto alto teve lugar no Scott Stadium, no dia 21 de Abril, data que marcou o regresso da DMB a casa, que é como quem diz, a Charlottesville, no estado da Virgínia. Em Março de 2002 chegou à Europa novo álbum ao vivo da banda, registado num concerto realizado em Chicagoem 1998.» (Maria João Serra)
Weekend on the Rocks_2005 Disc one (9/09/05) 1. "Everyday - 9:25" 2. "Time of the Season - 4:28" 3. "Say Goodbye - 7:13" 4. "Dreamgirl - 10:25" 5. "Louisiana Bayou - 7:49" 6. "The Stone - 9:42" 7. "Stolen Away On 55th & 3rd - 5:44" 8. "Bartender - 16:43"
Disc Two (9/09/05) 1. "What Would You Say - 5:45" 2. "Everybody Wake Up - 5:24" 3. "American Baby Intro - 7:05" 4. "Dancing Nancies - 10:35" 5. "Warehouse - 10:10" 6. "So Much To Say - 5:30" 7. "Too Much - 5:43" 8. "Old Dirt Hill - 6:58" 9. "Ants Marching - 7:40"
Disc Three (9/10/05) 1. "Seek Up - 22:15" 2. "One Sweet World - 6:09" 3. "Don't Drink The Water - 6:37" 4. "Hunger For The Great Light - 3:45" 5. "Rhyme & Reason - 5:35" 6. "#34 - 5:58" 7. "Smooth Rider - 8:39" 8. "Jimi Thing - 19:19"
Disc Four (9/10/05) 1. "Blackbird - 9:58" 2. "Steady As We Go - 4:07" 3. "Hello Again - 8:06" 4. "Crash Into Me - 5:43" 5. "Louisian Bayou - 8:44" 6. "The Best Of What's Around - 5:52" 7. "American Baby - 4:45" 8. "Tripping Billies - 5:23" 9. "Where Are You Going? - 3:41" 10. "Two Step - 18:04"
Disc Five (9/11/05) 1. "Don't Burn the Pig - 7:11" 2. "You Never Know - 7:16" 3. "Stand Up - 4:29" 4. "Grey Street - 4:43" 5. "When The World Ends - 3:36" 6. "Dreamgirl - 9:19" 7. "Lie In Our Graves - 15:39" 8. "Lover Lay Down - 7:44" 9. "What You Are - 9:07"
Disc Six (9/11/05) 1. "Out Of My Hands - 4:28" 2. "#41 - 15:21" 3. "Granny - 5:09" 4. "Halloween - 4:52" 5. "Butterfly - 2:48" 6. "Crush - 14:02" 7. "Pantala Naga Pampa - :39" 8. "Rapunzel - 7:09" 9. "Louisiana Bayou - 7:35" 10. "All Along The Watchtower - 10:13"
Disc Seven (9/12/05) 1. "Recently - 8:27" 2. "Drive In Drive Out - 6:35" 3. "Typical Situation - 13:10" 4. "Everyday - 8:27" 5. "Everybody Wake Up - 5:56" 6. "Old Dirt Hill - 7:38" 7. "Hunger For The Great Light - 3:40" 8. "American Baby Intro - 12:18" 9. "Dreamgirl - 10:53"
Stand Up_2005 1. Dreamgirl 2. Old Dirt Hill (Bring That Beat Back) 3. Stand Up (For It) 4. American Baby Intro 5. American Baby 6. Smooth Rider 7. Everybody Wake Up (Our Finest Hour Arrives) 8. Out Of My Hands 9. Hello Again 10.Louisiana Bayou 11.Stolen Away On 55th & 3rd 12.You Might Die Trying 13.Steady As We Go 14.Hunger For The Great Light
Busted Stuff_2002 1. Busted Stuff 2. Grey Street 3. Where Are You Going 4. You Never Know 5. Captain 6. Raven 7. Grace Is Gone 8. Kit Kat Jam 9. Digging A Ditch 10.Big Eyed Fish 11.Bartender
Everyday_2001 1. I Did It 3:36 2. When The World Ends 3:31 3. The Space Between 4:03 4. Dreams Of Our Fathers 4:43 5. So Right 4:40 $0.99 6. If I Had It All 4:03 7. What You Are 4:33 8. Angel 3:56 9. Fool To Think 4:12 10.Sleep To Dream Her 4:26 11.Mother Father 4:24 12.Everyday
Before These Crowded Streets_1998 1. Pantala Naga Pampa 0:41 2. Rapunzel 6:00 3. The Last Stop 6:57 4. Don't Drink The Water 7:01 5. Stay (Wasting Time) 5:35 6. Halloween 5:07 7. The Stone 7:28 8. Crush 8:09 9. The Dreaming Tree 8:48 10.Pig 6:57 11.Spoon
Crash_1996 1. So Much To Say 2. Two Step 3. Crash Into Me 4. Too Much 5. #41 6. Say Goodbye 7. Drive In Drive Out 8. Let You Down 9. Lie In Our Graves 10.Cry Freedom 11.Tripping Billies 12.Proudest Monkey
Under The Table & Dreaming_1994 1. The Best Of What's Around 2. What Would You Say 3. Satellite 4. Rhyme & Reason 5. Typical Situation 6. Dancing Nancies 7. Ants Marching 8. Lover Lay Down 9. Jimi Thing 10.Warehouse 11.Pay For What You Get 12.#34
Remember Two Things_1993 1. Ants Marching 6:01 2. Tripping Billies 4:45 3. Recently 8:40 4. Satellite 4:49 5. One Sweet World 5:10 6. The Song That Jane Likes 3:25 7. Minarets 4:25 8. Seek Up 7:17 9. I'll Back You Up 4:29 10.Christmas Song
Pre FM Ripped from Westwood One CD's 1 and 2 Show # 00-31 01 - Two Step, Tripping Billies 02 - So Much To Say, Too Much 03 - Ants Marching, Don't Drink The Water 04 - All Along The Watchtower 05 - Wherehouse 06 - Recently, What Would You Say
Tudo (ou talvez não) de Jimi Hendrix! Possivelmente o post de Jimi mais completo, alguma vez publicado (modéstia á parte, claro. Hehehe!). Demorou... deu trabalho... mas aqui está. Este senhor (é) unico! MUUUUUUUUUUUITO BOM! «Unanimemente considerado como um dos maiores guitarristas de todos os tempos, um génio criativo para alguns ou simplesmente um artesão da arte de bem tocar para outros, Jimi Hendrix, apesar da efémera carreira, conquistou um lugar cativo na história do rock'n'roll. O guitarrista norte-americano que atingiu a fama em terras britânicas, começou por tocar em várias formações, entre as quais, as bandas de apoio a nomes como Little Richard ou King Curtis. A excepção das suas capacidades depressa se tornaram uma desvantagem para a prossecução dos seus objectivos. O potencial protagonismo de Jimi ameaçou os cabeças de cartaz que então apoiava com os seus acordes, ditando desta forma o seu afastamento. A mudança para Nova Iorque ocorreu perante a necessidade de uma evolução que se mostrou complicada até então. Hendrix começou depois a tocar em pequenos clubes e em vários agrupamentos, e viveu sérias dificuldades de subsistência, chegando mesmo a considerar a vida na capital do planeta como impessoal e selvática. Mas, no momento certo, Hendrix foi descoberto pela pessoa indicada. O baixista dos Animals, Chass Chandler, em princípio de carreira como empresário, levou Jimi para Londres. Na capital inglesa, Mitch Mitchell foi escolhido para a bateria e Noel Redding para o baixo, constituindo assim os Jimi Hendrix Experience. O colectivo depressa se transformou em fenómeno no Reino Unido, e os singles "Hey Joe", "Purple Haze" e "The Wind Cries Mary" alcançaram o top10. O álbum depois editado, "Are You Experienced?" tornou-se um sucesso incontestável, quer em Inglaterra, quer nos Estados Unidos, depois da apresentação feita no Festival de Monterey. O longa duração serviu assim como cartão de apresentação para o génio Hendrix. A capacidade inovadora das suas composições, com experimentações surpreendentes nos blues e em novas formas sonoras, acompanhadas pelos seus famosos feedbacks, ajudaram ainda mais à construção de um estatuto de super estrela para o jovem americano. A música de Jimi era desconhecida, inovadora, surpreendente e psicadélica. Uma série de conflitos com empresários e discordâncias quanto às movimentações a seguir na carreira dos "Experience" originaram o fim da formação no final de 1969. No Festival de Woodstock, Jimi apareceu em palco com uma formação de recurso, com o nome Electric Sky Church, para mais tarde formar os Band of Gypsys, com Billy Cox e Buddy Miles. A carreira de Hendrix começou, como pouco mais tarde terminou, rapidamente. As suas composições, continuamente gravadas em estúdio, resultaram, no entanto, em apenas mais dois álbuns editados ainda em vida, "Axis: Bold as Love" e "Electric Ladyland". Os dois registos, acabaram por demonstrar-se menos consistentes que o álbum de estreia, apesar de terem tido um cuidado bem maior por parte de Hendrix, no respeitante aos arranjos finais. Estávamos então em 1970, e Jimi precipitava-se para o fim. Os últimos meses de vida de Hendrix foram em grande parte passados em digressão. A formação tinha então Cox no baixo e Mitchell na bateria. As incidências confusas com empresários, em parte devido a contratos assinados por Hendrix antes da formação dos Experience, e com colaboradores que se multiplicavam em sugestões sobre as formas criativas de Jimi, tornaram-se habituais. No dia de 18 de Setembro de 1970, Jimi Hendrix morreu em Londres, alegadamente devido a complicações derivadas do consumo excessivo de drogas. O músico compunha na altura, mais um conjunto de originais que teria o título de "First Ray Of The New Rising Sun". Após a sua morte, foram incontáveis as edições póstumas feitas a partir de registos deixados em estúdio ou de actuações ao vivo, no entanto, só uma foi autorizada ainda em vida por Hendrix, com os Band Of Gypsys, disco editado no ano da sua morte. O combate pelos direitos de autor das suas composições e pelo seu património prolongou-se durante largos anos, terminando apenas em 1995, quando Al Hendrix, o seu pai, conseguiu por fim a posse exclusiva dos direitos e propriedades do seu filho.» (Mário Mesquita Borges)
Jimi Hendrix - Purple Haze
Jimi Hendrix - The Jimi Hendrix Experience (Box Set) Disco 1: 1. "Purple Haze" (Hendrix) – 3:26 2. "Killing Floor" (Burnett) – 3:05 3. "Hey Joe" (Roberts) – 2:52 4. "Foxy Lady" (Hendrix) – 3:27 5. "Highway Chile" (Hendrix) – 3:40 6. "Hey Joe" (Roberts) – 3:06 7. "Title #3" (Hendrix) – 2:12 8. "Third Stone from the Sun" (Hendrix) – 9:18 9. "Taking Care of No Business" (Hendrix) – 3:42 10."Here He Comes (Lover Man)" (Hendrix) – 3:02 11."Burning of the Midnight Lamp" (Hendrix) – 1:30 12."If 6 Was 9" (Hendrix) – 5:57 13."Rock Me Baby" (Josea, King) – 3:20 14."Like a Rolling Stone" (Dylan) – 6:52
Disco 2: 1. "Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band" (Lennon, McCartney) – 1:51 2. "Burning of the Midnight Lamp" (Hendrix) – 4:06 3. "Little Wing" (Hendrix) – 3:23 4. "Little Miss Lover" (Hendrix) – 2:21 5. "The Wind Cries Mary" (Hendrix) – 4:11 6. "Catfish Blues" (Petway) – 5:26 7. "Bold as Love" (Hendrix) – 7:09 8. "Sweet Angel" (Hendrix) – 4:12 9. "Fire" (Hendrix) – 2:43 10."Somewhere" (Hendrix) – 3:48 11."Have You Ever Been (To Electric Ladyland)" (Hendrix) – 1:28 12."Gypsy Eyes" (Hendrix) – 3:43 13."Room Full of Mirrors" (Hendrix) – 1:26 14."Gloria (Morrison, Hendrix) – 8:53 15."It’s Too Bad" (Hendrix) – 8:52 16."The Star Spangled Banner" (Key, Smith) – 4:12
Disco 3: 1. "Stone Free" (Hendrix) – 3:43 2. "Spanish Castle Magic" (Hendrix) – 5:50 3. "Hear My Train a Comin’" (Hendrix) – 6:58 4. "Room Full of Mirrors" (Hendrix) – 7:56 5. "I Don’t Live Today" (Hendrix) – 6:33 6. "Little Wing" (Hendrix) – 3:16 7. "Red House" (Hendrix) – 13:07 8. "Purple Haze" (Hendrix) – 4:03 9. "Voodoo Child (Slight Return)" (Hendrix) – 7:53 10."Izabella" (Hendrix) – 3:40
Disco 4: 1. "Message to Love" (Hendrix) – 3:35 2. "Earth Blues" (Hendrix) – 4:08 3. "Astro Man" (Hendrix) – 4:11 4. "Country Blues" (Hendrix) – 8:27 5. "Freedom" (Hendrix) – 3:52 6. "Johnny B. Goode" (Berry) – 4:46 7. "Lover Man" (Hendrix) – 2:57 8. "Blue Suede Shoes" (Perkins) – 4:28 9. "Cherokee Mist" (Hendrix) – 6:02 10."Come Down Hard on Me" (Hendrix) – 3:18 11."Hey Baby/In from the Storm" (Hendrix) – 8:56 12."Ezy Ryder" (Hendrix) – 3:43 13."Night Bird Flying" (Hendrix) – 4:24 14."All Along the Watchtower" (Bob Dylan) – 4:22 15."In from the Storm" (Hendrix) – 4:21 16."Slow Blues" (Hendrix) – 1:46
Jimi Hendrix Anthology + Jimi Jams [7 CDs] This is a box set I put together for my own enjoyment which I thought other Hendrix might like to hear. A "Best of the Bootlegs" compilation featuring demos, outtakes and alternate mixes spanning Jimi's entire solo recording career. For those people unfamiliar with the Hendrix bootlegs, this 5 disc set might be a good place to start.
NOTE : No official or commercially available tracks are included. Thanks to the original uploaders for sharing all these great Hendrix rarities.
DISC ONE (76:22) 1. Can You See Me (original mix) 2. Purple Haze (experimental mix) 3. 51st Anniversary (2 vocal take mix) 4. Red House (outtake) 5. Fire (instrumental) 6. Manic Depression (instrumental) 7. I Don’t Live Today (alternate mix) 8. La Poupee Quit Fait Non 9. Cat Talkin’ To Me 10.She’s So Fine (alternate vocal) 11.Look Over Yonder (1967 version) 12.Wait Until Tomorrow (alternate mix) 13.Bold As Love (alternate mix) 14.Spanish Castle Magic (instrumental) 15.Little Miss Lover (outtake) 16.One Rainy Wish (alternate mix) 17.There Ain’t Nothing Wrong (instrumental) 18.Cat Talkin’ To Me (instrumental) 19.Driving South 20.Sgt. Pepper 21.Somewhere (alternate mix) 22.Long Hot Summer Night (home demo) 23.Angel (home demo)
DISC TWO (76:04) 1. 1983 (alternate mix) 2. Gypsy Eyes (alternate mix) 3. House Burning Down (alternate mix) 4. Cherokee Mist (1968 version) 5. Three Little Bears (uncensored version) 6. Voodoo Chile Blues (extended version) 7. Voodoo Child (Slight Return) (outtake) 8. Rainy Day Shuffle 9. Ezy Ryder Jam 10.Electric Ladyland (instrumental) 11.Come On (outtake) 12.Calling All Devil’s Children 13.Calling All Devil’s Children (skit) 14.Instrumental/Nervous Breakdown 15.The New Rising Sun (unedited version)
DISC THREE (74:44) 1. Peace In Mississippi (unedited version) 2. Messenger 3. Hear My Freedom 4. Electric Church Red House (unedited version) 5. Gypsy Blood (Crying Blue Rain) 6. Room Full Of Mirrors (demo) 7. It’s Too Bad (demo) 8. Lover Man (outtake) 9. Sunshine Of Your Love 10.Gypsy Boy (New Rising Sun) 11.Midnight (unedited version) 12.Ezy Ryder/Dance 13.Ships Passing In The Night 14.Night Bird Flying (demo) 15.Crash Landing 16.The Things I Used To Do
DISC FOUR (76:31) 1. Hear My Train A Comin’ (alternate version) 2. Sundance 3. Easy Blues (unedited version) 4. Izabella/Machine Gun 5. Lord I Sing The Blues For Me and You 6. Valleys Of Neptune 7. Honey Bed 8. Sending My Love To Linda 9. Backward Guitar Experiment 10.Room Full Of Mirrors (alternate mix) 11.Izabella (alternate mix) 12.Blue Suede Shoes
DISC FIVE (74:11) 1. Country Blues (unedited version) 2. Once I Had A Woman (unedited version) 3. Freedom (outtake) 4. Lover Man (1970 outtake) 5. Valleys Of Neptune (instrumental) 6. Dolly Dagger (alternate vocal) 7. Farther On Up The Road 8. Midnight Lightning (unaltered version) 9. Bolero 10.Heaven Has No Tomorrow 11.Drifting (alternate mix) 12.Drifter’s Escape (alternate mix) 13.Ezy Ryder (alternate mix) 14.Belly Button Window (outtake) 15.Beginnings (unedited version) 16.Instrumental Jam
I've included liner notes with detailed track information. I wasn't able to create any album art. But I've included some pics that might work as covers.
No bootleg anthology would be complete without including a sampling of Jimi's many incredible jam sessions. These 2CDs feature 2 1/2 hours of all star jams with musicians like the Buddy Miles Express, John McLaughlin, Larry Young, Johnny Winter and Traffic.
DISC ONE (75:58) 1. Dancing Blues 2. Blue Window (unedited version) 3. Driving South Jam w. John McLaughlin) 4. It's Too Bad (extended version) 5. World Traveler 6. Young/Hendrix (unedited version)
DISC TWO (77:05) 1. Earth Blues Jam w Johnny Winter 2. Midnight Lighting/Keep On Groovin' 3. Nine To The Universe (unedited version) 4. Jam Thing w Traffic 5. Astro Man Jam
THE JIMI HENDRIX EXPERIENCE The Winterland Reels Vol. 1 (ATM 208-210) Stereo Soundboard Digitally Restored Extraordinary Archives Traded Material series of the highest quality Hendrix recordings available in traders' circuits. All recordings in the ATM series are taken from the lowest generation masters available, and they have all been digitally restored unless otherwise indicated. Thanks to Hans-Peter Johnsen
1968-10-10 (1ST SHOW) 01. Intro 02. Are You Experienced 03. Voodoo Child (slight return) 04. Red House 05. Foxy Lady 06. Like A Rolling Stone 07. Star Spangled Banner 08. Purple Haze / Outside Woman Blues
1968-10-10 (2ND SHOW) 01. Intro 02. Tax Free 03. Lover Man 04. Sunshine Of Your Love 05. Hear My Train A Comin' 06. Killing Floor (Jack Casady on bass) 07. Hey Joe (Jack Casady on bass) 08. Star Spangled Banner 09. Purple Haze
1968-10-11 (1ST SHOW) 01. Intro 02. Are You Experienced (Virgil Gonsales on flute) 03. Voodoo Child (slight return) 04. Red House 05. Foxy Lady 06. Star Spangled Banner 07. Purple Haze
1968-10-11 (2nd SHOW) 01. Intro 02. Tax Free 03. Spanish Castle Magic 04. Like A Rolling Stone (Herbie Rich on Organ) 05. Lover Man (Herbie Rich on Organ) 06. Hey Joe (Herbie Rich on Organ) 07. Fire (Herbie Rich on Organ) 08. Foxy Lady (Herbie Rich on Organ) 09. Purple Haze
1968-10-12 (1ST SHOW) 01. Intro 02. Fire 03. Lover Man 04. Like A Rolling Stone 05. Foxy Lady 06. Blown Amp Blues 07. Tax Free 08. Hey Joe 09. Purple Haze 10. Wild Thing
1968-10-12 (2ND SHOW) 01. Intro 02. Foxy Lady 03. Manic Depression 04. Sunshine Of Your Love 05. Little Wing 06. Spanish Castle Magic 07. Red House 08. Voodoo Child (Slight Return) 09. Star Spangled Banner 10. Purple Haze
The Last Experience- His final live performance 1. Little Ivey 2. Voodoo Chile 3. Room Full of Mirrors 4. Fire 5. Purple Haze 6. Wild Thing 7. Bleeding Heart 8. The Sunshine of your Love 9. Room Full of Mirrors (Extended Version) 10.Bleeding heart (Extended Version) 11.Smashing of the Amps
Jimi Hendrix Bootleg Crash Landing Unreleased Version 01 Promo Crash Landing 02 Crash Landing 03 Somewhere 04 Anything Is Possible 05 New Rising Sun 06 Message To Love 07 Stone Free 08 Peace In Mississippi 09 Here Comes Your Lover Man 10 MLK - New Rising Sun 11 Gypsy Boy 12 Capt. Coconut /New Rising Sun/Cherokee Mist
Good Times 1. Good Times 2. Voices 3. Suspicious 4. Whipper 5. Bessie Mae 6. Soul Food 7. Voice in the wind 8. Free Spirit 9. Good Feeling 10.Hot Trigger 11.Psycho 12.Come on Baby parte 1 13.Come on Baby parte 2 14.Night Life 15.You got it 16.Woke Up in the Morning 17.Lime Lime 18.People People 19.Whoa’eeh
Sotheby Plus Masters [Studio Outtakes] Disco 1: 01. Jazz Jimi Jam 02. Electric Ladyland 03. She's So Fine 04. Castles Made Of Sand 05. Spanish Castle Magic 06. South Saturn Delta 07. Electric Ladyland dr 08. Wait Until Tomorrow 09. Ain't No Telling 10. Little One One 11. Little One Two 12. May This Be Love 13. Drivin South BBC 14. Catfish Blues BBC
Disco 2: 01. Wait Until Tomorrow 2 02. Hollywood Red House 03. Mr. Bad Luck 04. 1983 Acoustic Demo 05. Angel Acoustic Demo 06. God Save the Queen 07. Cherokee Mist 08. Astro Man Jam 09. Calling All Devil's Children devil version 10. 3 Little Bears / Instr Trip To SaturnFiller 11. Hey Joe (Unsurpassed Masters CD) 12. SRV March 5, 1985 Studio Jammin
The Jimi Hendrix Collection Disc 1: 1. Purple Haze 2. Hey Joe 3. The Wind Cries Mary 4. Fire 5. Highway Chile 6. Are you experienced? 7. Burning of the midnight Lamp 8. Little Wing 9. All Along the Watchtower 10.Crosstown Traffic 11.Voodoo Child (Slight Return) 12.Spanish Castle Magic 13.Stone Free 14.Izabella 15.Stepping Stone 16.Angel 17.Dolly Dagger 18.Hey Baby (New Rising Sun) 19.Third Stone From The Sun
Disc 2 ( Live): 1. Fire 2. Hey Joe 3. I Don’t Live today 4. Hear My Train a comin’ 5. Foxey Lady 6. Machine Gun 7. Johnny B. Goode 8. Red House 9. Freedom 10.Purple Haze 11.Star Spangled Banner 12.Wild Thing
Multicolored Blues Disco 1: 1. Earth Blues 2. Dolly Dagger 3. Room Full Of Mirrors 4. Stepping Stone 5. Bleeding Heart 6. Drifter's Escape 7. Midnight 8. 3 Little Bears 9. Jam Back At The House 10.Freedom 11.Lover Man 12.My Friend 13.Astro Man 14.Straight Ahead 15.1983...A Merman I Shall Turn To Be 16.Maui Sunset
Disco 2: 1. Slow Time Blues 2. Freedom 3. Drifting 4. Angel 5. Belly Button Window 6. Night Bird Flying 7. Pride Of Man 8. Ezy Ryder 9. Instrumental/Winter Blues 10.Instrumental/Last Thursday Morning 11.Crash Landing 12.Message To Love 13.Instrumental/Ezy Ryder Rev.
Villanova Junction (limited edition) 1.Little Bears- South Southern Delta 2.Belly Button Window 3.Country Blues (Straight Mix) 4.Hear my train a comin’ 5.New Rising Sun 6.The Things I used to do 7.Villanova Junction Blues Jam
20th Century Masters The Millennium Collection 1. Purple Haze 2. Fire 3. The Wind Cries Mary 4. Can You See Me 5. Hey Joe 6. All Along the Watchtower 7. Stone Free 8. Crosstown Traffic 9. Manic Depression 10.Remember 11.Red House 12.Foxy Lady
Private Reels – Volume 2 1.Introduction by B.B. King 2.Like a Rolling Stone 3.San-Ho-Zay (parte 1) 4.San-Ho- Zay (parte 2) 5.Instrumental Jam with Roy Buchanan 6.Instrumental Jam 7.Hey Baby (New Rising Sun) 8.Villanova Junction Blues
Altered States 1. Freedom 2. Come On 3. Little Wing 4. Cat talkin’ to me 5. Room full of mirrors 6. Angel 7. Little Miss Lover 8. Hear my freedom 9. Day tripper 10.Bleeding Heart 11.Spanish Castle Magic 12.I Don’t Live today
LA Without the Words 1. Ezy Rider 2. Valleys of Neptune 3. Bolero 4. Beginnings 5. The Things I Used to do 6. Lover Man 7. Midnight Lightning 8. Peace in Mississippi 9. Lord I Sing the blues for me 10.Dancing Blues
The Summer Of Love Sessions 1. Love 2. Hush Now 3. Gloomy Monday 4. Happy Birthday 5. Ballad of Jimi 6. Level 7. Love love 8. Get hat feeling 9. Future Trip 10.No Business 11.Odd Ball 12.Flashing 13.Day Tripper 14.U.F.O
Rare As Love 01. Sunshine Of Your Love 02. Bleeding Heart 03. Fire 04. Little Wing 05. Voodoo Chiled (Slight Return) 06. Room Full of Mirrors 07. Purple Haze 08. Wild Thing 09. Smashing of the Amps 10. Red House 11. Sweet Thing 12. Blues Blues 13. Groove Maker 14. Peoples Peoples 15. She's a Fox
Woke Up This Morning And Found Myself Dead 1. Red House 2. Wake Up This Morning and You Find Yourself Dead 3. Bleeding Heart 4. Morrison's Lament 5. Tomorrow Never Knows 6. Uranus Rock 7. Outside Woman Blues 8. Sunshine of Your Love
First Ray Of The New Rising Sun 1. "Freedom" 2. "Izabella 3. "Night Bird Flying" 4. "Angel" 5. "Room Full of Mirrors" 6. "Dolly Dagger" 7. "Ezy Ryder" 8. "Drifting" 9. "Beginnings" 10."Stepping Stone" 11."My Friend" 12."Straight Ahead" 13."Hey Baby (New Rising Sun)" 14."Earth Blues" 15."Astro Man" 16."In From the Storm" 17."Belly Button Window"
Hear My Freedom 1. Hear My Freedom 2. Izabella 3. Instrumental Jam with Larry Young 4. Sending My Love To Linda Live And Let Live takes 3-4-5 5. Eze Rider Jam-MLK 6. Rainy Day Dream Away Still Raining Still Dreaming 7. Voodoo Child Slight Return
The Best Of Jimi Hendrix_1997 1. Purple Haze 2. Fire 3. The Wind Cries Mary 4. Hey Joe 5. All Along The Watchtower 6. Stone Free 7. Crosstown Traffic 8. Manic Depression 9. Little Wing 10.If 6 Was 9 11.Foxy Lady 12.Bold As Love 13.Castles Made Of Sand 14.Red House 15.Voodoo Child (Slight Return) 16.Freedom 17.Night Bird Flying 18.Angel 19.Dolly Dagger 20.The Star Spangled Banner (Live @ Woodstock)
South Saturn Delta_1997 1. "Look Over Yonder" 2. "Little Wing" 3. "Here He Comes (Lover Man)" 4. "South Saturn Delta" 5. "Power of Soul" 6. "Message to the Universe (Message to Love)" 7. "Tax Free" (Bo Hansson) 8. "All Along the Watchtower" 9. "The Stars That Play With Laughing Sam's Dice" 10."Midnight" 11."Sweet Angel (Angel)" 12."Bleeding Heart" 13."Pali Gap" 14."Midnight Lightning" 15."Drifter's Escape"
Blues_1994 1. "Hear My Train A Comin'" 2. "Born Under a Bad Sign" 3. "Red House" 4. "Catfish Blues" 5. "Voodoo Chile Blues" 6. "Mannish Boy" 7. "Once I Had a Woman" 8. "Bleeding Heart" 9. "Jelly 292" 10."Electric Church Red House" 11."Hear My Train A Comin'" (electric)
Live at Winterland_1986 1. Prologue 2. Fire 3. Manic Depression 4. Sunshine of Your Love 5. Spanish Castle Magic 6. Red House 7. Killing Floor 8. Tax Free 9. Foxey Lady 10.Hey Joe 11.Purple Haze 12.Wild Thing 13.Epilogue
Loose Ends_1973 1. Come Down Hard on Me Baby 2. Blue Suede Shoes 3. Jam 292 4. The Stars that Play with Laughing Sam's Dice 5. Drifter's Escape 6. Burning Desire 7. Born a Hootchie kootchie Man 8. Electric Ladyland
Live at Bill Graham’s Fillmore East_1970 1. Stone Free 2. Them Changes 3. Power of Soul 4. Message to Love 5. Earth Blues 6. Machine Gun 7. Voodoo Child (Slight Return) 8. We gotta live together 9. Wild Thing 10.Hey Joe 11.Purple Haze
Band Of Gypsys_1970 1.Stone Free 2. Power Of Soul 3. Hear My Train 4. Izabella 5. Machine Gun 6. Voodoo Child ( Slight Return) 7. We Gotta Live Together 8. Stop 9. Earth Blues 10.Burning Desire 11.Wild Thing
Isle of wight_1970 1.Intro..God save the Queen 2.Message to Love 3.Voodoo Child (Slight Return) 4.Lover Man 5.Machine Gun 6.Dolly Dagger 7.Red House 8.In From The Storm 9.New Rising Sun
2nd International Atlanta Pop Festival_1970 01 Introductory,Fire 02 Lover Man 03 Spanish Castle Magic 04 Red House 05 Room Full Of Mirrors 06 Hear My Train A Comin' 07 Message To Love 08 All Along The Watchtower 09 Freedom 10 Foxy Lady 11 Purple Haze 12 Hey Joe 13 Voodoo Child (slight return) 14 Stone Free 15 Star Spangled Banner 16 Strate Ahead 17 Hey Baby (New Rising Sun)
Atlanta '70_1970 1. Fire 2. Lover Man 3. Spanish Castle Magic 4. Foxy Lady 5. Purple Haze 6. Hear My Train a Comin' 7. Stone Free 8. Star-Spangled Banner 9. Straight Ahead 10.Room Full of Mirrors 11.Voodoo Child (Slight Return)
Jimi Hendrix Band Of Gypsys Lonely Avenue The Record Plant New York 1969/70 01 Lonely Avenue/Power Of Soul/Burning Desire/Flying/Send My Love To Linda/Gypsy Boy/Cheokee Mist/Stepping Stone/Villanova Junction/EZ Ryder 02 Calling All Devils Children/Stepping Stone/Ezy Rider/Villanova Juntion 03 Honey Bed Session 04 Ezy Rider Jam/MLK/Cherokee Mist
San Diego '69_1969 1. Introduction 2. Fire 3. Hey Joe 4. Spanish Castle Magic/Sunshine of Your Love 5. Red House 6. I Don't Live Today 7. Purple Haze 8. Voodoo Child (Slight Return)
Cologne_1969 01 Come On (Let The Good Times Roll Part One) 02 Foxey Lady 03 Red House 04 Voodoo Child (Slight Return) 05 Fire 06 Spanish Castle Magic 07 Hey Joe 08 Sunshine Of Your Love 09 Star Spangled Banner 10 Purple Haze
An Evening With The Jimi Hendrix Expirience_1969 (Live at the Royal Albert Hall London 2/24/1969) Disco 1: 1. Hear My Train A Comin' (Afternoon Sound Check) 2. Room Full Of Mirrors (Afternoon Sound Check) 3. Bleeding Heart (Afternoon Sound Check) 4. Concert Intro 5. Lover Man 6. Stone Free 7. Hear My Train A Comin' 8. I Don't Live Today 9. Red House 10.Foxy Lady
Disco 2: 1. Sunshine Of Your Love 2. Bleeding Heart 3. Fire 4. Little Wing (Released on The Jimi Hendrix Experience Boxset, and not included here) 5. Voodoo Chile (Slight Return) (Released on The Jimi Hendrix Experience Boxset, and not included here) 6. Room Full of Mirrors 7. Purple Haze 8. Wild Thing 9. Star Spangled Banner
Live at Woodstock_1969 Disco 1: 1. "Introduction" 2. "Message to Love" 3. "Hear My Train a Comin'" 4. "Spanish Castle Magic" 5. "Red House" 6. "Lover Man" 7. "Foxey Lady" 8. "Jam Back at the House"
Disco 2: 1. "Izabella" 2. "Fire" 3. "Voodoo Child (Slight Return)" 4. "The Star Spangled Banner" 5. "Purple Haze" 6. "Woodstock Improvisation" 7. "Villanova Junction" 8. "Hey Joe"
CD1: (16/02/1968 State Fair Music Hall, Dallas, TX) 01.Are You Experienced 02.Fire 03.The Wind Cries Mary 04.Tax Free 05.Foxy Lady 06.Hey Joe 07.Spanish Castle Magic 08.Red House 09.Purple Haze 10.Wild Thing
CD2: (17/02/1968 Will Rogers Auditorium, Fort Worth, TX) 01.Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band 02.Can You Please Crawl Out Your Window 03.The Wind Cries Mary 04.Fire 05.Catfish Blues 06.Foxy Lady « Outside Woman Blues, Sunshine Of Your Love# 07.Hey Joe 08.Purple Haze 09.Wild Thing « Taps
Paris '68_1968 1. Killin' Floor 2. Catfish Blues 3. Foxy Lady 4. Red House 5. Drivin' South 6. The Wind Cries Mary 7. Fire 8. Little Wing 9. Purple Haze
Electric Ladyland_1968 ou: 01.: And The Gods Made Love 02.: Have You Ever Been (To Electric Ladyland) 03.: Crosstown Traffic 04.: Voodoo Chile 05.: Little Miss Strange 06.: Long Hot Summer Night 07.: Come On (Let The Good Times Roll) 08.: Gypsy Eyes 09.: Burning Of The Midnight Lamp 10.: Rainy Day, Dream Away 11.: 1983...(A Merman I Should Turn To Be) 12.: Moon, Turn The Tides...Gently Gently Away 13.: Still Raining, Still Dreaming 14.: House Burning Down 15.: All Along The Watchtower 16.: Voodoo Child (Slight Return)
Jimi Hendrix Experience - Live At Monterey_1967 1. Intro 2. Killing Floor 3. Foxey Lady 4. Like A Rolling Stone 5. Rock Me Baby 6. Hey Joe 7. Can You See Me 8. The Wind Cries Mary 9. Purple Haze 10.Wild Thing
Axis:Bold As Love _1967 1. Purple Haze 2. Manic Depression 3. Hey Joe 4. Love Or Confusion 5. May This Be Love 6. I Don't Live Today 7. The Wind Cries Mary 8. Fire 9. Third Stone From The Sun 10.Foxey Lady 11.Are You Experienced? 12.Stone Free 13.51st Anniversary 14.Highway Chile 15.Can You See Me 16.Remember 17.Red House
(Nota: Como encontrei 2 versões e não sei qual é a original, aqui fica a outra:)
Axis:Bold As Love _1967 1. EXP 2. Up From The Skies 3. Spanish Castle Magic 4. Wait Until Tomorrow 5. Ain't No Tellin' 6. Little Wing 7. If 6 Was 9 8. You've Got Me Floating 9. Castles Made Of Sand 10.She's So Fine 11.One Rainy Wish 12.Little Miss Lover 13.Bold As Love
Stockholm '67_1967 1. Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band 2. Fire 3. The Wind Cries Mary 4. Foxy Lady 5. Hey Joe 6. I Don't Live Today 7. Burning of the Midnight Lamp 8. Purple Haze
Jimi Hendrix & B.B. King - The King's Jam(Bootleg) U.S.A._1968 1- Like A Rolling Stone 2- Blues Jam Nº1 Part1 3- Blues Jam Nº1 Part2 4- Band Introduction By B.B. King 5- Blues Jam Nº2 Part1 6- Blues Jam Nº2 Part2 7- Blues Jam Nº3 8- It's My Own Fault
White Boy Black Boy Blues (Jimi Hendrix with Eric Clapton) 1. Red House (Hendrix) 2. She’s A Fox (Hendrix) 3. Whoa Eeh (Hendrix) 4. Peoples Peoples (Hendrix) 5. Suspicious (Hendrix) 6. Blues Blues (Hendrix) 7. Good Feelings (Hendrix) 8. Lime Lime (Hendrix) 9. Go To Hurry (Clapton) 10.Louise (Clapton) 11.Five Long Years (Clapton) 12.Westcoast Idea (Clapton) 13.Stormy Monday Blues (Clapton) 14.Dragging My Tail (Clapton) 15.The First Time I met the blues (Clapton) 16.Shake Drive (Clapton)
Jimi Hendrix & Stephen Stills - At Stills Basement 1.San Francisco Bay Jam #1 2.San Francisco Bay Jam #2 3.San Francisco Bay Jam #3 4.San Francisco Bay Jam #4 5.Mellow Jam #1 6.Old Times, Good Times 7.Cool Jazz Jam 8.Middle East Jazz/Blues Jam 9.Mellow Jam #2
Lonnie Youngblood And The So-Called Jimi Hendrix Tapes 1. Free Spirit 2. You Got It 3. Psycho 4. People Peoples 5. Come On Baby (Part 1) 6. Good Feeling 7. Whipper 8. Night Life 9. Soul Food (That's What I Like) 10.Voices 11.Come On Baby (Part 2) 12.Woke Up This Morning And Found Myself Dead 13.Hot Trigger 14.Voice In The Wind 15.Good Times 16.Suspicious 17.Outside Woman Blues 18.Goodbye Bessie Mae
Jimi Hendrix - Rockumentry (VIDEO) Actors: Jimi Hendrix Format: Box set, PAL, Widescreen Language English Region: Region 2 ( DVD formats.) Aspect Ratio: 1.85:1 Number of discs: 1 Classification: 15 Studio: Warner Home Video DVD Release Date: 30 Jan 2006 Run Time: 98 minutes
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The Jimi Hendrix Experience - Live At Monterey [The Definitive Edition]_2007 (VIDEO) 1. Killing Floor 2. Foxey Lady 3. Like A Rolling Stone 4. Rock Me Baby 5. Hey Joe 6. The Wind Cries Mary 7. Purple Haze 8. Wild Thing 9. Stone Free 10.Like A Rolling Stone
Jimi Hendrix: Live at Woodstock_1969 (VIDEO) 1. Message to Love 2. Spanish Castle Magic 3. Red House 4. Lover Man 5. Foxey Lady 6. Jam Back at the House 7. Izabella 8. Fire 9. Vodoo Child (silent return) 10.Star Spangled Banner 11.Purple Haze 12.Woodstock Improvisation 13.Villanova Junction 14.Hey Joe
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Jimi Hendrix - Band of Gypsys: Live at the Fillmore East_1970 (VIDEO) Video Codec: h264 Audio Codec: ac3
Disc 1: The Documentary
The first disc is a documentary on Band of Gypsys and Jimi's life from the perspective of his friends, people who worked with him, and famous musicians who were influenced by him.(Slash, Lenny Kravitz, etc...)
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Disc 2: The Concert
Jimi hendrix: live at the fillmore east features the only known color and vlack and white rare footage of the group in concert, including Machine gun, Who knows, Izabella, Fire, Foxey lady and a musical soundtrack which exclusively includes additional performances from the guitarist's december 31, 1969 and january 1, 1970 concerts which have not been included as part of Band of gypsys or Jimi Hendrix: Live at the fillmore east.
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Jimi Hendrix - Blue Wild Angel: Live At The Isle Of Wight_1970 (VIDEO) 1. Message To Love 2. God Save The Queen 3. Sgt. Pepper 4. Spanish Castle Magic 5. All Along The Watchtower 6. Voodoo Chile 7. Freedom 8. Machine Gun 9. Dolly Dagger 10.Red House 11.In From The Storm
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Jimi Hendrix - Rainbow Bridge (VIDEO) Often mistaken as a Jimi Hendrix concert, Rainbow Bridge is actually a dizzying mix of countercultural lifestyles and politics set in Hawaii 1970. Directed by Chuck Wein, Rainbow Bridge tracks the journey of actress Pat Hartley across the Pacific to Hawaii. While the film's soundtrack is filled throughout with such classic Hendrix studio recordings as Pali Gap and Dolly Dagger, the centerpiece of Rainbow Bridge remains the 17 minutes of Hendrix's July 1970 concert atop Haleakala Volcano in Maui, Hawaii. Hendrix is joined by bassist Billy Cox and drummer Mitch Mitchell and delivers high-voltage renditions of Foxy Lady, Hey Baby (The Land Of The New Rising Sun), as well as exciting excerpts of Purple Haze, Hear My Train A Comin' and Voodoo Chile (Slight Return). (Disculpen, no quise usar un traductor on-line porque las traducciones terminan siendo cualquier cosa)
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The Jimi Hendrix Experience: Electric Ladyland (Classic Albums Documentary) (VIDEO) Featuring classic songs such as "Crosstown Traffic," "Voodoo Chile," "Gypsy Eyes," and "All Along the Watchtower," the story of Hendrix's epochal 1968 double album is told in words, music, and rare archival footage. Also included are interviews with Experience bandmates Noel Redding and Mitch Mitchell, as well as Steve Winwood (who played organ on the album), and, in his last interview, Chas Chandler, the manager (and former Animals bass player) who nurtured Hendrix's career from its infancy.